Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Lessons Online


***I decided that I'm treated my #NaBlopoMo challenge like Ramadan.  For those of you who don't celebrate, here's what that means.  Ramadan is the month that Muslims fast from sunup to sundown. Sometimes due to illness or travel they can't fast.  When that happens, those missing days are completed  at a later date.  So the days that I miss blogging, I now promise cyberspace that I will fulfill those in the future.***

Last night I attended the #Mombizmondays Twitter chat with Lara Galloway and Shelagh Cummins. If you are in business for yourself, this is one you don't want to miss.  For more information, head to the Facebook page.

Being in business for yourself is pretty lonely.  You have to actively go out and look for humans to talk to at some point or risk ending up a babbling idiot.  I have plenty of kids in my life, but sometimes I need to bounce ideas or hear other peoples stories or simply make a connection.  This group lets me accomplish that in my pajamas on my couch!  What could be better?

When I first heard about the Twitter chat, I was a little skeptical. How could I really learn something from 140 characters or less per person?  I attended my first one several months ago and I was pleasantly surprised.  There was a great mix of women from all over who all have two things in common; they were mothers and they were in business.  

Last night was one of the best chats yet and it was all about sharing your story.  The question that I thought provided the most insightful responses was Question 4 of the evening, "WHAT LESSON HAVE YOU LEARNED THAT WOULD BE MOST INSPIRING TO OTHERS?."  

Some of the responses were as follows:

@easeliving said, "It doesn't need to be perfect, just get it out there."  How many times have you struggled with a product to get it just right to the point of self-sabotage?

 @WatkinSBS "You can't be everything to everyone all the time: u need to be something 4 urself first."  As women, we put everyone else ahead of our needs, but if you're running on empty, how can you give to someone else?

@travelbeCAUSE1 "Failure is ok. FailureS are ok. Keep trying if it's what you love! travel beCAUSE idea came from total bomb."  No one likes failing, but sometimes that's where you learn the best lessons!

And yours truly added to the cause that you need to give yourself time to BE so that you have room to GROW. Everything happens so fast nowadays. If don't stop to assess where you are, how can you figure out what you need to do to move forward?

Not only am I making connections with people that I would otherwise never meet, but I also am getting some reinforcement that I'm not alone.  I'm on the right path and while it may be hard, I have a bunch of great women in my corner rooting for me just as I am rooting for them.

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